Address: |
🏠 Toodyay, Western Australia. 6566 AUSTRALIA | |
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📱 0416 122 884
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Miscellaneous information:My naturopathic studies, combined with my studies into personal and spiritual development, as well as life coaching and mentoring, have provided me with a holistic understanding of healing and wellness which spans broadly across the spectrum, integrating the scientific and the spiritual, the physical body and the soul, the seen and the unseen. I've personally experienced the healing power of nature. I've come to understand that health is about harmony and balance, it's about wholeness and connection, it's about compassion and a state of interconnection (and internal communication). My studies sparked, in me, a deep and profound passion for wholism, so complex yet simple, as dictated by nature. My naturopathic studies confirmed that what I truly sought was healing, and what I truly longed for was to share that healing with others. If this philosophy resonates with you, I look forward to hearing from you. |